Outdoor Gear Repairs


Custom made ultra light mountaineering and climbing backpacks and accessories from UHMWPE materials. Sunny side of Alps.

SAMPLE Ultralight Mountaineering backpack

SAMPLE Ultralight Mountaineering backpack


Ultralight Mountaineering backpack

This backpack is designed for all mountain activities, from trad climbing, winter ascents, hikes, bikepacking and backpacking.


  • ULTRA ( woven UHMPWE) / grey


  • 27 - 32L


  • cinch top with top lid (2L volume)

Back panel size

  • M (50cm)

Comes with front volume pocket (2L) - accessible through the front vertical zipper.

Side zipper opening to the main compartment, 4 side straps, 4 gear loops, ice-axe toggle, padded back and padded shoulder straps, chest and hip strap.

This backpack is ready to ship. If you would like something similar, drop us an email to info@whathappenedoutdoors.com

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